The LE CAPUCIN Sodifrex Sas guarantees complete privacy and confidentiality to all our clients and visitors to our web site for any information which is given to us. This includes :
- 1 All intimate details which may be given to us
- 2 Protection of all personal details
- 3 Total security for all transactions
- 4 Respect for the laws of Internet And Freedom
Intimate details given to us
To be able to process your order, we must be able to recognise and memorise a certain number of details given to us by your computer. Cookies are the programmes used for this unique goal : to memorise the time of your visit, Your identity ( which is recognised by your password and pseudonym ) and the contents of your basket as you fill it. These cookies are erased completely when your shopping is finished, so no need to worry.
Protection of personal details
We take the greatest care to keep all personal information confidential. All the details of our automatic processing procedure of intimate and personal information and our system of confidentiality have been given to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés who have given us their accord.
Total security for all transactions
Respect for the French and European laws
By the laws of Internet and Freedom passed on the 6th January 1978 you have the right to access, change, or supreme any personal information concerning you.
This may be done in writing and sent to the following address :
LE CAPUCIN - SAS SODIFREX - Call +33 (0)5 49 48 17 44
SIRET 301 640 348 00019 - NAF 4649 Z - TVA intracom FR 05 301 640 348
Email: contact@lecapucin-mobilier.com